What’s New in Laravel 9: Few Things You Must Know

What new in Laravel 9

Laravel’s new release process has caused a good deal of questions in the past since new releases happen every six months. Laravel 9 was released in February 2022, which marks the start of a 14-month cycle for major releases. To ensure a smooth development process, Laravel always strives for new releases with new features, functionalities, advancements, and more. Several updates have been made to Laravel. PHP frameworks such as Laravel have been popular for a long time. Developers and organizations working with PHP have relied on it because it’s scalable and elegant. The features and functionalities of this PHP system have developed so well that the demand for the Best Laravel Development Company simultaneously increases. Several new features are included in Laravel 9 which is the most recent release.

What’s new in Laravel 9?

The features of Laravel 9 include a minimum PHP v8.0 version, refreshed default Ignition error page, Laravel Scout database engine, Fly system 3.00x, Symphony mailer integration and many more features. It is an open-source PHP web application that provides a structure for building both complex and simple web pages. The appealing features of Laravel 9 are the result of its extensive use. 

Core features in Laravel 9

Listed below are some of the new features and improvements coming in Laravel 9. Among its features are bug fixes, new features, and of course, numerous breakthroughs.

New Query Builder Interface

Refactoring, inactive analysis, code completion, and type hinting are exceedingly reliable with Laravel 9. Because EloquentBuilder, QueryBuilder, and EloquentRelation share an interface or inheritance. With Laravel 9, engineers can still benefit from types hints, refactoring, and static analysis built into the query builder.

PHP 8 String Functions

With Laravel 9 targeting PHP 8, this PR suggests using the latest PHP 8 string functions. Internally in the IlluminateSupportStr class, str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with() are used. However, if you further need assistance with these string functions, you can contact Laravel web development services.

Minimum PHP Requirement

Installation of Laravel 9 requires the latest version of PHP 8, PHPUnit 9, and several other prerequisites. Several community-driven and Symfony 9 libraries are required for Laravel to function. Laravel 9 couldn’t be released by November 2021 because Symfony planned to release v6.0 by that time. Due to Laravel 9’s dependency on Symfony’s latest v6.0 release, PHP 8 is required. Added features and advancements of PHP 8 such as the Just-In-Time compiler (JIT) and constructor property promotion can be explored through PHP hosting and what’s new in PHP 8.  

Anonymous Stub Migrations

A new feature called Anonymous Migrations will be added to Laravel 9 to prevent collisions between migration class names. When creating tables with migration using Laravel 9, a Schema table is used instead of the traditional Schema method.

PHP 8 String Functions

Laravel 9 supports PHP 8’s new string functions. In the /Illuminate/Support/Str class, str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with() are suggested functions.

New Query Builder Interface

Eloquent/Builder, Query/Builder, and Eloquent/Relation will all be available in Laravel 9 and will assist in creating sub-queries that are more effective and efficient.

Why move from Laravel 8 to 9?

Laravel 9 is more advantageous to use rather than using Laravel 8. Let us understand the reasons briefly-

Flysystem 2.0

Laravel 9. x replaces Flysystem 1. x with Flysystem 2. x. Capacity uses Flysystem to manipulate records. It may be necessary to modify your application as a result. Whatever the case may be, we have tried to make this move as consistent as possible.

Symfony Mailer

As of December 2021, SwiftMailer will no longer be maintained by Laravel 9. x, so Symfony Mailer will be used instead. However,  the Laravel app development company, whenever it attempts to create this move as a complete review of the list of changes, ensures that your application is completely consistent. 

Custom Casts & null

When the cast attribute was null in past Laravel releases, the set strategy was not invoked. The documentation for Laravel does not support this behavior. In Laravel 9. x, null will be passed as the $value argument to the set strategy of the casting course. Hence, you ought to guarantee your custom casts can adequately handle this situation.

Full-text indexes

In this version, there has been a significant change in this area. Laravel 9 now supports full-text indexes when using MySQL or PostgreSQL. 


The reason why Laravel is the top web development framework appears obvious at the end of the day. By using it, you can create compelling websites more quickly and efficiently. Laravel will meet all your needs, regardless of whether you are a startup or a large corporation. For more information about getting started with Laravel Development, contact the best Laravel Development company. Your existing team can also be augmented. Techno Exponent’s team of well-versed developers offers a wide range of Laravel solutions. Integrate Laravel developers into your existing team for creating top web solutions perfectly with the help of our seasoned and skilled developers. Find 20+ best Laravel developers with varied skill sets by getting in touch with us today.  
