Results of Node.JS Development-why Is It Preferred by Developers?

Earlier this year, we surveyed NodeJS to understand the importance and preferences of developers. Since we are one of the best Node.js development companies, our second preference was related to the problems faced by NodeJS. While performing this, we found several facts and importance that you should know.

Node.JS is a platform that uses Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for fast and scalable development of applications without any error. To be specific, it is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O prototype that confirms the immaculate data-intensive real-time application operating on all potential appliances.

Apart from the definition, in this blog, you can find out the importance and the survey reports of Node.JS performed by the best node.js development services. You can get help on what and whom to consider before developing your application. Node.js application development company has a vast reach on the internet market, so before choosing it for development, make sure you choose the right one.

What is Node.JS? 

It is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScripted framework with a JavaScript runtime environment (JRE). It is highly beneficial for building JavaScript programs from the server side. It is a platform that has been in use for several years, powered by a V8 engine. It can perform both back and front-end development of an application. It can meet multiple functions, and that’s why several organizations are using it and opting for node.js development services.

What are the key benefits of Node.JS? 

The key benefits of Node.JS are further listed below:

  • Node.js web framework is superb for contacting for other services.
  • It is straightforward and is easily usable.
  • Smooth, highly customizable with fast UI, and helps with the bulk of application development.
  • It can control several requests at the same time and can increase the quality of the API performance.
  • It looks after all the databases while ensuring seamless API functionality.
  • Companies in the starting phase can get an immense benefit from Node.JS and allow rapid entering into the market with products.
  • It contributes robust functionality and also gives support for file streaming.
  • Code editing is convenient with Node.JS as it gives various IDE or Integrated Development Environments.

Why should you hire a node.js developer? – Survey Reports 

The survey reports can help you to understand the importance of Node.js development

  1. According to the research report, it has arrived that you can enjoy a fast production of applications without errors by hiring a node.js developer from a professional company. It increases the speed of development by 18.47%. There is an 18.18% increase in fast performance. Also, the great ecosystem, libraries, and modules are available with 17.25%.
  2. It gives the best backend service with a developed REST API. The API development is 30.24% and 27.09% of servers and backends it provides. Other features found from the research include 15.77% in writing web apps, 8.91% in microservices, 8.53% in websites, and 6.49% in front-end development.
  3. Also, the research report found that NOde.JS can be daunting to obtain the Async problems like asynchronous programming, async patterns, hooked, and awaits with 6.31%. Monitoring and the improvement of an application can get disturbed with 5.01%. Also, other things that need a crucial look after from the node.js application development company are testing, structuring, monitoring, dependency, promising, and processing.
  4. Also, security is the most unexplained topic of Node.JS found in the research reports. The common factors of security that remain unexplained include security with 7.42%, scaling with 5.57%, testing with 5.38%, monitoring with 2.41%, and many other factors. Several other things tumbled on the security and remained unexplained similarly.
  5. The Node.JS market has received the AWS award. Hence, in the research, it is found that Heroku is 25.60%, Amazon Web Services is 54.73 &, owns 16.70%, Google cloud platform, and many more. All this is the hegemony of AWS.
  6.  Lastly, it is stated that almost 68.27% use MongoDB, 44.34% use Redis, 40.82% use PostgreSQL, 39.33% use MySQL, 32.28 use ElasticSearch, 12.06% use MariaDB, and many more. All these are the most preferred databases used by a Node.js developer.

How do node.js developers help your application building process? 

Several top companies have used Node.js developers to promote potent and smooth applications to their customers. With the help of developers from the best companies, the startup time gets decreased while the usability is improved. It can control the startup time from 40 minutes to 1 minute. Additionally, the Node.JS developers guarantee fast, event-based, non-blocking technology.


Node.JS development is now the best choice for almost all organizations as it can guarantee a vast list of benefits to the customers and businesses. Both startups and big MNC are using this to get the best app development with an elegant ecosystem. Several survey reports also stated that it is beneficial and can guarantee a robust framework for your application development.
